Thought Provoking Thursday; April 24
Hey Y'all!
Today's blog theme is, "Thought Provoking Thursday". My goal is to challenge you and make you think. The same way that people in my life have challenged me.
Goal Setting: In yesterday's post (click here) I shared with you some of my fitness goals. Something I learned from working at Lululemon is to be a "Goal Digger". Setting short term and long term goals for yourself and sticking to them make you more accountable and inspiring. Also, these goals consist of more things that just fitness. Thing about your life, and your balance, and what you want to achieve in what areas. Since this is my blog, and my online diary, and I keep it real with everyone, I am going to share some of my goals with you all.
Short Term Goals
** Health **
- Get up Mon-Fri before work and do my cardio #TeamSexy
- Drink. More. Water.
- Take the FREE Yoga class at work
- Take Terrance's Boot Camp 2x a week
- Stick to my meal plan
** Personal **
- Pray daily & Blog daily
- Read
- Devote time to Wedding Planning
- Meet my mom for lunch
- Love on Terrance everyday and BE FABULOUS!
** Work **
- Be at work before 8am, leave before 5pm.
Long Term Goals
** Health **
- Run a Half-Marathon
- Be the best version of myself and healthier than I was when I was 20.
- Sweat (at least) once every day
** Personal **
- Marry the love of life
- Get a new car!
- Save Money!
- Be in the audience at The Ellen Show
- Visit and experience every state in the USA
- Take a dance class (at least) once a month
- Be an inspiration for others. Make a difference.
** Work **
- Continue with Schlumberger and be in a bigger and better role, making bigger and better money
Just like with anything else, these goals will change, be attained, and the list will continue to grow. I am happy to share these with y'all and hopefully inspire you to set some goals for yourself, too!
One more challenge for you... keeping a gratitude journal. We are all grateful for things, people, opportunities, and experiences in our lives, but how often do we stop and appreciate them? Consider keeping a Gratitude Journal. Take the time and effort to stop and write it down. It can be anything! Just find the positivity in your life and in your day and show it your appreciation.
Gratitude Journal Entry: Today I am grateful for this blog. I am thankful for being able to share my words and my life with all of you! It has been therapeutic for me and inspirational for others, which is more than I could have asked for.