Warren T Fitness Wednesday; April 23

By Melody Warren - 6:40:00 AM

Hey Y'all!

Happy Humpday! We have made it half-way through the week! In going with my idea of each day of the week having a theme, I have decided that Wednesday's will be dedicated to my man. Terrance has started his own company, and I cannot be prouder! The name of his company is Warren T Fitness and it focuses on Training For Life.


It incorporates exercise, nutrition, and other components of leading a healthy lifestyle. Why WOULDN'T you want to know more about it?? He has Facebook and Instagram pages that you can follow for up-to-date postings and motivation. AND for the month of May, he will be doing a FREE Fitness Experience that everyone is encouraged to participate in! It will be weekly updates of cardio plans, weight training plans, and meal plans for everyone to follow... for FREE!!! Like I said, each Wednesday I will be sure to post updates about his company and what he is up to so everyone can follow and stay fit & motivated!!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/WarrenTFitness
Instagram: @WarrenTFitness
Email: WarrenTFitness@gmail.com

So what are YOUR health goals? I'll share with you some of mine!

- Get up (Monday-Friday) and do my cardio before work
- Take the FREE yoga class at work during my lunch break at least 2x a week
- Take Terrance's bootcamp 2x a week
- Drink 4 Nalgene's full of water everyday (Nalgene=my pretty pink water bottle=2 regular bottles of water)
- Stick to my meal plan
- Love on Terrance everyday and BE FABULOUS!

 Wednesday AM Cardio and 1 Nalgene already drank
Tuesday night cardio and bootcamp results. LOVE my Garmin Watch.
Signing off now! Hope you all have a GREAT day! Stick to your goals, you're worth it!

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