Ending 2014 with a BANG!

By Melody Warren - 9:14:00 AM

Hey Friends!

Can you believe that we are already 3 days deep into the last month of 2014??!! Where has the time gone? Personally, 2014 was a successful and blessed year and I am marching toward 2015 with bells on. With only 28 days left in 2014 (WOW), I am forced to think back and reflect on 2014 and what I want moving into the new year.

As a personal challenge, I want to end this year with a BANG! For the month of December, I will:
- Break a sweat everyday and work on my 15-lb weight loss goal
- Get (as close to) 8 hours of sleep every night and DON'T push snooze
- I will love deeply. Love my husband, my friends, my family and myself.
- Drink more water daily


What are your goals for the end of the year? How will you prepare for 2015? I want to know!


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