Thanksgiving 2014

By Melody Warren - 1:49:00 PM

Happy Monday followers!

I hope you all survived the first day back to work after the Thanksgiving Holiday Break. Speaking of, how was everyone's holiday? Ours was great! I LOVED having some down time! This allowed for some R&R and it couldn't have come any sooner. 

Some highlights of the break:
- Shannon and Danny got ENGAGED (read about it here)
- Legally changing my name from Melody Stacey to Melody Warren
- I did the Turkey Trot! (for the 2nd year in a row!)
- Quality time with my man and our family/friends

See below for some pictures! And only about 2 weeks until the next break - we can do it! 

This was the insane waiting room at the Social Security Office. God bless anyone who ever goes here or who works here. I told Terrance that this was a true sign of our love and to my desire of wanting to have his last name. This place was NUTS!

Some festive turkey sugar cookies for Thanksgiving ... Gobble Gobble!
Twas the night before the Turkey Trot and I had everything laid out in my true Melody Warren OCD fashion.

Judith and I ready to Trot!

6.2 miles later - and this turkey was tired ... but happy!

I can't wait to hear about your Thanksgivings! 


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