Thanksgiving 2014
By Melody Warren - 1:49:00 PM
Happy Monday followers!
I hope you all survived the first day back to work after the Thanksgiving Holiday Break. Speaking of, how was everyone's holiday? Ours was great! I LOVED having some down time! This allowed for some R&R and it couldn't have come any sooner.
Some highlights of the break:
- Shannon and Danny got ENGAGED (read about it here)
- Legally changing my name from Melody Stacey to Melody Warren
- I did the Turkey Trot! (for the 2nd year in a row!)
- Quality time with my man and our family/friends
See below for some pictures! And only about 2 weeks until the next break - we can do it!
This was the insane waiting room at the Social Security Office. God bless anyone who ever goes here or who works here. I told Terrance that this was a true sign of our love and to my desire of wanting to have his last name. This place was NUTS! |
Some festive turkey sugar cookies for Thanksgiving ... Gobble Gobble! |
Twas the night before the Turkey Trot and I had everything laid out in my true Melody Warren OCD fashion. |
Judith and I ready to Trot! |
6.2 miles later - and this turkey was tired ... but happy! |
I can't wait to hear about your Thanksgivings!