CJW - Happy One Month!

By Trials By Melody - 6:54:00 AM

Although a week late, Happy One Month to Carter!

I can hardly believe that he is already a month old! This first month has been a learning curve for the whole family. I have learned a lot about Carter, Terrance and myself and it has been so much fun. He is practicing holding his head up, getting used to tummy time, starting to smile, eating about 5oz of formula at meal times, and waking up two times during the night.

- Mommy & Daddy
- Looking at the ceiling fan
- Sleeping
- Eating
- His swing
- Cuddles

- Diaper changes
- Bath time (although he is coming around to the idea)
- Waiting for his bottle

For updates or more information, email me: MelodySWarren@gmail.com

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