The ABS's of Zzz's

By Trials By Melody - 9:28:00 AM

Happy Humpday Friends!

Carter is currently going through some kind of sleep regression that has us all feeling a little sleepy these days. I find myself googling just about everything related to my baby questions, so I figured I would shed a little light on my findings and experiences regarding baby sleep (or lack there of).

First, I want to start with a few misconceptions (in my opinion):

"Sleep when the baby sleeps".
To me, this is unrealistic. Typically, when the baby finally falls asleep, this give mommy/daddy the opportunity to do all of the stuff you haven't gotten to do while he has been awake. You can wash clothes, dishes, eat, watch your favorite TV show, or just sit down for a second. Sometimes you can sneak in a quick nap, but typically, I look forward to nap time so I can get some stuff checked off my list.

Sleep Training
I am not totally convinced that this works. From the day we brought CJW home from the hospital, we have had him in his crib and have put him to bed about the same time. every. single. night. Right when you start to see a habit forming, something will come up (typically out of our control) that throws the routine off. Examples: teething, growth spurt, hunger, etc.. 

But not to worry! There is hope for sleep!! Here are some tips that have worked for us...

Turn down the baby monitor
This works for us because of the layout of our apartment, Babies stir and make noise throughout the night, but not all of those noises require your attention. Do your best to learn to not respond to every peep and learn the difference in the cries (side note: I actually know what people mean now when they say this). 

As best you can, keep a bedtime routine.
For us, this is dinnertime, bath-time, song while drinking a bottle, and then sleep. This works (for the most part). But what works best about this, is that CJW associates these things with sleep. So when we are in the bath he is rubbing his eyes ready for bed. Consistency and routine is key!

This is a big one. Work to keep it all in perspective. At the end of the day, these sleepless nights are a phase that will pass too quickly and you will miss these days when he is a grumpy teenager. 

I was chosen to be Carter's momma, and I consider myself really lucky. I am learning to just roll with the punches and enjoy the ride. Also, I have learned to make coffee the night before and set the timer for first thing in the morning.


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