Mommy Guilt

By Trials By Melody - 2:17:00 PM

I like to consider myself to be pretty confident in all aspects of my life - as a wife, as a working professional, in my friendships, etc... But ever since I became a mom, the confidence is little shakier as I juggle 500 things while trying to keep a small human alive.

Anything can turn into a case of mommy guilt:

I am off work early, I should go get Carter.

But then I won't be able to run my errands peacefully.

Will he notice if I get him at 5:30pm, versus 5:00pm?

(picks up Carter, who had a poopy diaper at school and is wearing only a t-shit, diaper, and tennis shoes)

I should have gone before I picked him up.

Some days, I feel like I am killing it at this "mom" thing - multitasking like you've never seen. Running to HEB (for the 4th time this week) before the sun comes up, juggling oil changes with diaper changes, rushing out of work to make it to swim lessons or doctors appointments, or juggling work deadlines with date nights. It can be a lot.

So with all of these things going on, I can find myself being hard on myself or feeling the mommy guilt. Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE going to work during the day. I love that we have the option for Carter to go to school/daycare all day and for me to go to work. I love getting to go away with Terrance for the weekend or have my times to myself.

But everyone once in a while, the mommy guilt creeps up and makes me feel bad ... like I shouldn't be spending that time on myself, or taking that work trip, or whatever the case may be.

So, when those evil mommy guilt thoughts come into my mind, I always remind myself of these 3 things:

1) I have mommy guilt because I care. A lot. And that isn't a bad thing, right?

2) I have to let some things go and/or delegate. Either the house will remain dirty, or I will hire a housekeeper, because I can no longer manage to clean it myself!

3) I do not, I repeat, DO NOT compare myself to other moms. My version of "normal" may be totally different than theirs.

Any other tips for dealing with mommy guilt?

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