Heigh ho, heigh ho, It's off to run we go!

By Trials By Melody - 4:29:00 PM

Flat Mel

Holy cow! I completed a freaking half-marathon! This post is specifically about the half-marathon experience, to read about our entire Disney Princess Half-Marathon weekend, click HERE. Also, "run a half-marathon" was one of the items on my 30-before-30 bucket list. To see what else is still on my list, click HERE.

Our race day started with a 2am wake-up call. Yes. 2am. We didn't mind though.

After we got up and dressed, we were downstairs and in line for the monorail before 3am.

3am Photoshoot

After we got on the monorail, we headed to Epcot and then hung out at the Race Retreat for a bit. Race Retreat is such a great amenity, allowing a space for breakfast, pictures, and relaxation before the race. 

Hanging in the Race Retreat

One of the most important things about the race retreat is the bar!


Sneakers & shoe bling before the race began

The race officially kicked off at 5:30am, but because there were 25,000 people participating and we were in the back of the herd, we didn't cross the start line until about 6:30am.

Selfie before crossing the start line
We decided we wanted to take a selfie at each mile marker along the way ... and we did!

It was right around this mile marker that we were starting to come onto the Magic Kingdom property!

Some backstage magic!

Okay, now this was when it was started to get real. Once the sun came up, it got HOT really quickly. It was hot, humid and sunny the entire race and we were feeling it. The first 8 miles were pretty easy, but once we hit the 8 mile marker, we started to get a little sluggish. Luckily, that was when runDisney came in with the energy jelly beans #thankgoodness.

Final stretch!

Right as we were coming around the corner to finish the race, there was a gospel choir near the finish line. #AllTheFeels

Will run for bling

The race map
Whew! I can't believe we did it! Although it was hot, and I don't really consider myself a runner, it wasn't that bad! I would definitely do it again. 

A few lessons learned:
  • Don't tie your shoes too tight. After that much time on your feet, your feet will swell. I had a bruise on the top of my left foot because my shoes were tied a little too tight
  • Stay hydrated
  • For the next race, I will pre-qualify with a better time so I can start in a better corrall
  • This was more mental than it was physical
  • Encouraging others throughout the race, encouraged me more than anything
  • Have fun and enjoy the moment

Well earned rest time!

After the race, we made it back to the hotel and napped for 3 hours! 

A celebratory drink post race

What a wonderful trip this was! To read about our entire Disney Princess Half-Marathon weekend, click HERE

and a HUGE thank you to EVERYONE who supported and encouraged this journey. I love you all! 

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