CJW - Happy Two Months!

By Trials By Melody - 7:25:00 PM

Happy Two Months, Carter!
I can't believe that Carter is already TWO months old! We are starting to get the hang of this parenting thing and are continuing to learn all about our little boy. He is SO strong. He is lifting his head and kicking his legs non-stop. He is eating about 7oz of formula at meal times, smiling, talking, and waking up one time during the night.

- Mommy & Daddy
- Being held up where he can see everything
- Women
- Eating
- The Baby Bjorn
- Cuddles
- Music

- Diaper changes
- Waiting for his bottle
- Being hot


He also did his first craft!
For updates or more information, email me: MelodySWarren@gmail.com

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